Liebherr American Fridge-Freezers
The Liebherr Group is a German engineering/manufacturing company established in 1949 by Hans
Liebherr. The company is still entirely owned by members of his family.

Liebherr build some of the toughest machinery on the planet - mining trucks, heavy construction
equipment etc.

They also build extremely reliable commercial kitchen equipment, and domestic appliances.

The company's reputation for solid, tested engineering is second to none.

Liebherr American Fridge Freezers may not be the most stylish appliances on the planet,
but they offer fantastic build-quality.

For reliability, nobody does it better!
Where to buy American Fridge Freezers?
Our highest recommendation goes to  John Lewis
They offer better guarantees than just about any other outlet. Their website is easy to use.
Their payment system is totally secure.
And the John Lewis name provides total peace of mind.