We fell in love with the TaylorMade RBZ - it is beyond doubt one of the best drivers we have ever tested.
If you already have a solid swing, the RBZ will allow you to alter the shape and height of your shots without changing your swing.
If you have a regular slice or hook, the RBZ will help you straighten it - and gain distance.
If you play a variety of courses, or in a variety of weather, the RBZ will adjust to the conditions.
This is truly a club that will suit everybody. And don't be fooled by the "new" version - it is no better in any way whatsoever - just more expensive.
DISTANCE = 9 out of 10
With so many adjustments available, it's easy for golfers of all
levels to set the RBZ up for maximum distance.
Most golfers can find a setting that offers maximum carry and or roll.
FORGIVENESS = 9 out of 10
Most of our testers reported that the RBZ was extremely forgiving.
It has a huge sweetspot, and the weight distribution is perfect.
ACCURACY = 9.5 out of 10
Accuracy is what this driver is all about. There are so many ways to
adjust the RBZ - any golfer with a repeatable swing should be able
to set this club up to produce whatever flight-path he chooses.
Our testers used the adjustments to straighten out their slices and
hooks, to alter trajectory, to reduce or increase roll, etc etc etc.
The only real downside is that there may be too many permutations
available. Too much choice is not always a good idea.
LOOKS = 8.5 out of 10
The shape is fabulous - very powerful looking. But a lot of our testers marked this
club down a tad because they are still not sure about the colour and the graphics.
However, the so-called "new" RBZ Stage 2 averaged a score of 4 out of ten for looks
because it has a terrible paint-job - really ugly and cheap-looking.
VALUE FOR MONEY = 11 out of 10 - if you are quick!
The RBZ has just been replaced by the "Stage 2" - but the original is a better club.
And if you are quick, you pick up the original at massive reductions, while stocks last.
BUILD QUALITY = 9 out of 10
Our test club was well put together, and the components were top-notch.
DURABILITY 7 out of 10?
Our driver was tested by 100 volunteers, so some scuffing was to be expected.
But like most of TaylorMade's recent offerings, this driver scuffed up too easily.
TaylorMade spend zillions on research and development - but they can't make a
paint that stays on a club! Or maybe they have found that golfers are more likely to
buy a "new" driver if their old one is looking a bit sad and tatty.

TaylorMade RBZ RocketBallz Driver Test & Review
Using more than 100 volunteers testers, we put the RBZ it through its paces.
It has recently been replaced by the RBZ Stage 2 - but the "new" version is no better in any way than the original.
In fact, most of our testers preferred the stage one - it is better looking. The stage 2 has a horrible paint-job!
TaylorMade do this all the time. They make some fabulous drivers, But they bring out a "new" driver around every six
months, and quite often there is nothing new about them. They do it to keep the market ticking over - a practice that we
seriously dislike! But it does mean that there are some fantastic bargains to be had if your timing is right.
Buy the "old" model while stocks last - it is every bit as good as the so-called new version, just a lot cheaper.