The First Degree Fluid Rower sailed through all of our tests,
impressing experts and novices alike. Owners love it to pieces - and
virtually all of them would buy the same machine again.
It could well be the best rowing-machine on the market -
depending on how you feel about its bulky profile and its styling.
There is certainly no better rowing-machine in terms of build-quality,
reliability, comfort and ease of use.
Some people we spoke to thought the First Degree Fluid Rower was
just too big for a home rowing machine, and some were put off by the
styling. These comments were few and far between,
but they are valid points and they did have an effect on our results.
Our verdict -
If you have the space and you like the styling - go for it!
The First Degree Fluid Rower is robust, reliable, comfortable and easy
to use. And it will never let you down.
Top Ten 10 Rowing Machines For Home Use
Our links will take you to the rowing machine sections of the following trusted outlets.