YELLOWKNIFE is a wonderful, vibrant city on the shores of the Great Slave Lake, way up in the NW
It is far enough north to guarantee views of the Aurora.
If you want to get as far north as possible INUVIK is the place to go in the NW Territories.
YUKON TERRITORY has some of the best viewing in the world. This is a big, BIG, territory.
Bigger than California, Arizona, Delaware and West Virginia added together!
Most of Europe would vanish into it without a trace! Yet the population of the entire territory is just 40,000.
Watson Lake with its Northern Lights Space and Science Centre is a fine place to view the Aurora -
and there are some great places to lodge.
All of the above places are well-established and well-equipped to cater for tourists.
They are islands in the wilderness, and the people here will take great care of you.
However, the nights (and days) are extremely cold in this part of the world, so plan your trip carefully.
Bring plenty of warm clothing, and something to read during the weather-induced delays that are part of
life here! Don't get angry if you can't stick rigidly to your schedule because you are "weathered in".
It's all part of the adventure!
And if you want a wilderness adventure in the truest sense of the word - take a trip to...
Nunavut is the best place in North America to see the Aurora. It is Canada's newest, biggest, and most
exciting territory. It spans the Arctic Circle, and includes the magnetic North-Pole. Parts of this beautiful
region are so far north - that the best way to see the Aurora - is by looking SOUTH!
It has islands bigger than Britain - with nobody living on them!
And its interior contains lakes so remote that they don't even have names yet!
Nunavut (Our Land) only became a territory in its own right in 1999 when the Inuit Tribe won the biggest
land claim in history. They have now formed a territorial government in the capital Iqaluit.
They are building their own schools, their own roads, and their own tourist industry.
Tourism is just getting started here - and there is a lot of work to be done. Most of Nunavut is only
accessible by light-aircraft or dog-sled! But if you have that pioneering spirit of adventure - this is place!
The Inuit people will take great care of you, and you'll get the best Aurora views on the planet!
Frobisher Inn is a genuine luxury hotel, and a great place to start your adventure in the
Nunavut capital Iqaluit. South Camp Inn is wonderful! Rustic, wild, warm and very friendly.

Aurora Borealis - The Northern Lights Canada